
Contact Us
The West Virginia Association of Licensing Boards welcomes any questions or
comments you may have about the Association or our website. Please feel free to
contact us through any of the following methods.
Mailing Address
West Virginia Association of Licensing Boards
5001 MacCorkle Avenue
South Charleston, WV 25309
Association - association@wvlicensingboards.
Linda Lyter (President) - lindalyter@wvlicensingboards.
Patricia Holstein (Vice President) - patriciaholstein@wvlicensingboards.com
Sue A. Painter (Secretary/Treasurer) -
Complaint Form
If you would like to submit a complaint on an individual, you should check on the
appropriate Board's web site, (listed under Boards page) for
a complaint form for that specific board. If the individual Board does not have a
complaint form, you can download this generic form, complete the information, sign it
and return the form to the individual Board. The Complaint Form should be submitted
to the appropriate Boards as most complaints are to be kept confidential until resolved.
Complaint Form (PDF)